Friday, December 21, 2012

the END

based from my topic up there you guys must think that i want to talk about today is the end of the world right???
well that what everybody been freaking out today..
end this.. end that.. solar system this.. that..
no internet connection.. no astro coverage..
even the DJ on the radio blabber about this thing..

well for us muslim..
REMEMBER what Allah s.w.t have told us in Al-quran
what is the thing/ mark for the end of the day.. we should not forget that ok..
well if you forget here some of the things we need to always remember

- Kemunculan Imam Mahdi (return of imam Mahdi)

- Kemunculan Dajjal ( appearance of Dajjal(creature with one eyes..i forgot what its called for non -muslim)

- Turunnya Nabi Isa (AS) ( Nabi Isa a.s (Jesus) come down from sky (heaven maybe)

- Kemunculan Yakjuj Dan Makjuj ( appearance of Yakjuj and makjuj)

- Terbitnya matahari dari Barat ke Timur ( sun rising from west to east)

- Pintu pengampunan akan ditutup (door of forgiven by god will be closed forever)

- Dab'bat al-Ard akan keluar dari tanah & akan menandai muslim yang sebenar2nya ( Dab'bat al-ard will come up from the ground and will mark only the true muslim)

- Kabus selama 40 Hari akan mematikan semua orang beriman sejati shj mereka tidak perlu mengalami tanda2 kiamat lainnya (fog for 40 days and will bring death to true muslim because they will not have to faced the other mark of the end of the world)

- Sebuah kebakaran besar akan menyebabkan kerusakan,(a big fire that will bring big damage)

- Pemusnahan Kabah, (fall of kaabah)

- Tulisan dalam Al-Quran akan lenyap,( writing in Al-Quran will vanish)

- Sangkakala akan ditiup pertama kalinya binatang2 & org2 kafir yang tersisa akan mati, semua gunung & bangunan akan runtuh (in the first blow of "sangkakala" all the animals and people (kafir) that survive will die and all the mountain will fall down)

- Tiupan sangkakala yang kedua kalinya akan membangkitkan semua ciptaan Allah & bertemu di dataran Arafah menuju saat penghakiman mereka.. Dan Matahari akan mendekatkan dirinya ke bumi (second blow of "sangkakala" will bring up all the death that god created and will meet at Arafah for the judgement day)

well we(muslim ) need to hold on to this.. and make a good deed along the way..
haaa.... i took a long u turn from my actual topic

what i want to say for today is..
yestesday was the last class of my DEGREE study... weee~~~
that is the end....
foe next semester only going for practical..
no more classes to more boring lecture.. no more assignment
no more KC no more UPM..

for now just want to say..
SMK Jasin.. we will meet in february 2013..

*celebrating for myself*
THE END... mihmihmih

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