Tuesday, December 6, 2011

lesson of the day

me and my course mate doing the micro-teaching today
so.. when my friend do her micro teaching..
there a thing that catch my attentions..

when i read the article it is so true..
for me la..

" people will like the real you better for your virtues
not a fake person that no one really knows
so just be you,
speak your mind
that way people will enjoy and comfortable 
being around you
be yourself
and you will find someone
who like you for you
be natural
be the way that you were born to be
for this earth
to notice you"

just a simple quote..but it stays in my memory for a life

so just be yourself in this world..
don't live in drama and fake life..
its not worth it..
because when people know you lying..
they will mark you as a liar
and person who want to catch attentions.
when you show your real self..
then you will realize who is your true friend..
and who is not..
who love you sincerely
and who is just love you for fun..
being honest is not that hard.
being humble also not that hard..
just stay down to earth.
know where you stands..
with that people will appreciate you more than u know..

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